Are you asking the wrong question about your drinking alcohol

I was so scared to let go of having a glass of wine, bottle of beer, or even my fave margarita. The fear was real. I was scared to let go of something that I perceived gave me so much. How could I do life without alcohol? I believed I couldn't. It was a narrative that had become deeply ingrained in my identity. The idea that you can't do life without alcohol and nor should you want to. Why would you even consider it? And to decide this now at age 51. I mean, everyone will think you have a problem.

That thought scared me more than not drinking. I didn't want people to think I had a problem - then, I would be an alcoholic! That was not going to happen. I would be ostracized. I would rather drink and feel horrible than be considered an alcoholic. How screwed up is that thought process? Very. But, I’m not alone. Many men and women feel this way.

I would rather kick the can down the road than question my thinking. I would often think, "My drinking isn't that bad to have to quit?" A better question to ask is, "Is my life good enough like this?" Full of hangxiety and regrets, I just stayed stuck in a constant "groundhog" day.

I was stuck in a fear cycle of my own making.

Did you know that fear is mentioned 365 times in the Bible? Fear is a natural part of life, even though we don't like experiencing it. When we feel afraid, we have a choice to make. We have to make a choice. We can let our worries consume us, or we can take a cue from King David and put our trust in God.

David wrote in Psalm 56:3, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You," even when he was running from King Saul and fearing for his life. He didn't let fear control him, and we don't have to either. Instead, we can use the power of Truth to fight back against fear.

I finally had to fight against the fear. I had and lean into that fear and feel the discomfort. I’m so glad I did! I discovered that I wasn’t alone there was, and still is, a growing community of people who were and are making a different choice when it comes to alcohol. But, the best part is I was never alone, God had me. I just had to listen. I had to follow my gut and go with it! You can do this too!

Remember, God has given us His Word, His Spirit, and has placed His people in our lives to help us through the tough times. Even when we can't find an uplifting message or a supportive community right away, we can remind ourselves that God is always with us and fighting for us.

When we focus on God's faithfulness instead of our own fear, everything changes. So, the next time you feel scared, anxious, or overwhelmed, try saying out loud, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You." Trusting in God's power is the key to conquering our fears."


What's "Normal" Anyway?


5 Mindest mentalities