
Quitting alcohol & Your Partner is Still Drinking

This blog post discusses the challenges faced by couples when one partner decides to continue abstaining from alcohol while the other chooses to drink moderately. The author emphasizes the importance of respecting individual journeys and not trying to change the other person. They share their own experience of taking a break from alcohol while their partner opted for moderation. The author highlights the significance of having alternative options like mocktails or non-alcoholic beverages available and being supported by their spouse. They encourage readers to focus on their own internal motivations, be respectful of their partner's decisions, and find common ground in their relationship. The post also mentions that pressuring or nagging a partner can hinder their willingness to explore alternative approaches. The author concludes by sharing that their partner eventually participated in the Alcohol Experiment and experienced numerous health benefits, highlighting the importance of allowing personal growth to unfold naturally.

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What's "Normal" Anyway?

I drank normal. I drank like everyone else I knew! 2- 3 glasses of wine or beer several nights a week and more on the weekends.

Seriously, this was my normal. But, was this “normal” for everyone else?

This question comes up so much with clients. Have you ever wondered what it means to be a "normal" drinker? We all have this idea that “alcoholics” are those who hit rock bottom with lost jobs, homes, or DUIs, while the rest of us are just "normal" drinkers. But seriously, what does that even mean? Normal is a setting on your dryer- for crying out loud! So, let’s work on dropping this concept of normalcy when it comes to drinking alcohol and question the assumptions we've been fed.

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